FeedMore Needs More of You
By Kate Piazza
You can’t “un-know” something.
After learning that over 50% of children that reside within the WNY area are food insecure, I was left with a both appreciation for what I had growing up and unsettled realizing that kids in my own neighborhood didn’t have access to the same nutritious foods as I did (all things health is my thing!).
FeedMore WNY’s workload double overnight (maybe even tripled) with the onset of COV-ID 19 quarantine protocols. The students that counted on those meals at school was no more. The access to in-school food pantry’s, gone in an instant. So, taking action and volunteering made sense. I could actually contribute to something bigger than myself given that I was/am healthy, able-bodied.
I was fortunate enough to answer the call from FeedMore WNY’s & Leadership Buffalo’s plea to bridge the volunteer and needs gap during this time. In this crazy and uncertain phase of life, I could still represent LB (and least distract myself) and make an impact on my community in a very hands-on way. Delivering meals to shut-ins puts a face to the work that FeedMore does too. It impacts you in a different way than just packaging up food in a warehouse. Clients were SO appreciative that these meals were still coming to their homes. These perfect, sometimes pants less, strangers greeted me life I was their old friend.
Day sessions at Leadership Buffalo bring light to the critical issues facing us within our community. The ability to see community issues from ALL angles is what Leadership Buffalo is all about; connecting people to inspire change.
Buffalonian’s are a pretty resilient bunch and although COV-ID 19 has amplified those critical issues, I’ve seen more people come together and help their neighbors during this time and SO proud to be a part of LB and this community.